lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

What is Intelligence?

1) What does the term "IQ" mean?

- The term IQ comes from the German Intelligenz-Quotient, and it means intelligence quotient.

2) When, where and by whom was the concept of IQ developed?

- The concept was developed in France by the French psychologist Alfred Binet. This happened in 1904. Originally, it was designed to test school students and determine the child's mental age.

3) What is the average IQ?

- The average IQ is between 90 - 110.
4) What is Mensa International?
-   It is a high IQ society. This society provides a forum for intellectual exchange among its members. There are members in more than 100 countries around the world.
5) Name at least two different IQ tests.
- WISC-lV whic is used for children. WAIS-III which is the most commonly used.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

ARTICLE: Marijuana Is Gateway Drug for Two Debates

Some marijuana users  become adicts just like the person in this article. if she did not smoke her pot, she felt  anxious, irritable, sleepless and lost. This is how many people that are addicted to something feel when they do not have a dose of their adicting substance.
She expresses marijuana adiction as slow suicide. Marijuana has been proven to have no risk of dying at all like other drugs.The drug cannot lead to fatal overdose and its hazards pale in comparison with those of alcohol. Despite this, marijuana can be up to five times more potent than the cannabis of the 1970s, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. . Many public health officials worry that this stronger marijuana has increased addiction rates and is potentially more dangerous to teenagers, whose brains are still developing. And many goverment people and individuals think that marijuana should be legalized and this is a huge contoversic topic now a days.
In conclusion marijuana is not addictive but manyu people can become addicts. They wil feel really awkward if they dont consume it. Other people want it to be legalized for medicinal uses, but others say it would be a bad thing.

ARTICLE: Is Pot Good For You?

There are many uses, and views of marijuanna. Some people actually think that the U.S. government has sabotaged the medicinal effects of marijuanna. All of the new studies have put the government and scientists in a position of wether legalizing marijuanna or not.

Many people do not know if marijuanna kills or not. No one has ever died of THC poisoning. This is because a 160 pound person would have to smoke about 900 joints in a sitting to reach a lethal dose. Some people have tried, but yet, nobody has died. Even though it has not killed anyone, it affects the body of the consumer. One of the problems is respiratory problems. Also, it can be a cause of indirect death like driving while being stonned for example, because this might get you into a car accident and cause death. Heacy smokers might get inschemia which is an insufficient blood suply. Sometimes it may even cause a heart attack. This proves that marijuanna can have different effects on different people.

Pot normally makes long time users slower and they have difficulties of speech.

Marijuanna can make you sick because it affects the immune system because one of tha receptors is located in immune cells. The effects of the THC are unclear since many people get different effects from it.
also, heavy pot smokers who quit can experience such withdrawal symptoms as anxiety, difficulty sleeping and stomach pain. On the other hand, the risk of becoming dependent on marijuana is comparatively low.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Marijuana...Legal or Illegal

Marijuana is one of the most used illegal drugs all around the world. There are many types of marijuana and different THC content in each type. This illegal  drug is a plant grown in many places. The pott farmers usually have their gardens everywhere, from forests to even their own homes. Owning a garden or marijuana in your home will get you into prission for a long time.
In some parts of the world, marijuana is legal, but always with some restrictions. For example, you can have a small personal ammount of marijuana and it would be ok, but if you have a large ammount (enough to be considered for dealing), you will be in trouble. In Amsterdam, marijuana is legal but only inside coffee shops. This is a good thing because people in there are all doing the same thing and under control of the shop owners.
Marijuana has always been known as a bad drug. People are affraid of it because it is illegal, but what most people do not know is that it is less dangerous than the cigarette that is a legal drug. More people die from smoking cigarettes than from smoking pott.
Marijuana may dammage yoour brain functions, but it also, it can be used for medicinal reasons. Marijuana, for example, can be used to re-gain hunger, and craving for food for cancer patients going through chimiotherapy. It creates hunger because it stimulates our body so we feel hungry. Also, it is used to relax muscles for disseases that cause muscle pain.
This is what has brought up a new controversy inthe united states. People are now fighting to make mariijuana legal under prescriptions so peple can live longer. The government in some places already gives these patients a monthly ammount of marijuana as their medicine.
I think it should be legalized because you could save and make longer many human lives. This might bring many problems because of drug addicts that would get it however they can, but it would solve a lot more problems. Some of these problems would be: cure people, give longer lives, decrease in marijuana trafycking, government makes more money through taxes on this drug, violence would decrease. These are all great things because it might bring a more peacefull society. To make this happen in order, they must plan a very strict prescription plan so not anyone can have acccess to the drug.
In conclusion i think that marijuana should indeed be legalized for medicinal reasons.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


Meth is a very dangerous droug that is becoming really common in people in the united states now a days. It is extremely addicting and eaasy to make. Since it is so easy to make, more and more meth labs are being found all around the united states. Meth labs are really risky and most of the people that create them are not aware of the dangers. Meth is very likely to explode. Every year many homes explode because they contained a meth lab inside. Another risk of meth labs are the chemicals involved in it's creation. These chemicals are almost imposible to remove from the house that the lab is in and it can create several sicknesses to the person in contact with them. Since people do not know the risks they do not wear the appropiate protection.
Meth has become the most dangerous drug in the united states. People become addicted to this drug because of the rush it gives them. When people are not under its effect they do not feel o.k. so they need to get more meth in their systems to feel good. Many people die because of meth.
In conclusion meth is really dangerous and is becoming really popular in the U.S. They should try to stop it as soon as possible to prevent many deaths.

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Body Language

1. a)Smiles when they are lying becaus they are laughing because they think they are fooling us.
    b)Deffensive hand positions.
    c) Folding arms in deffensive position.
    d) Play with your hair.
    e) Cross your legs.

2. a) Holding Hands:
        In some countries in Asia friends hold hands.
    b) Nos Rubbing:
        This means be careful in italy.
    c) Pulling Your Ear:
        This means you're in my heaart in navajo island.
    d) Exesive Eye Contact:
        in africa this may be seen as disrispectfull.
    e) Waving Your Hand to Call Someone:
        This could be a way to say goodbye in italy.
    f) Pointing:
        Its considered to be irespectfull in Asia. They use their hands to point.
    g) Nodding your head:
        IN some parts of greece, and bulgaria, it means "No".
    h) Moving your head back and forth:
        This is a sign that the other person is listening to you.
    i) Raising eyebrows:
       Means yes in asian cultures.
    j) Pointing To Your Own Nose:
       This means 'it's me' in Asia.

3. a) Smiling:
        Men's smile lasts for longer and women's are shorter.
    b) Eye contact:
       Men: when they move their eyecontact it means they are nervous.
       Woman: only turns aside their head.
    c) Lying:
        Men: Their body language is relaxed.
        women: They attempt to seem busy and can't stay still.
    d) Tossing hair:
        When eomen are nervous, they play whit their hair.
    e) Hand Movement:
        Men use more hand language than women.
     f) Nibbling Lips:
         Women lick their lips or play with them to flirt.
     g) Neck rubbing:
         Women also use it to flirt and attract men.
     h) Crossing Legs:
         Men cross their legs sometimes when they are lying.
     i) Walking With rythm:
         women use it to get attention.
     j) excesive talking or joking:
        men use it ti get attention.

Gangs and Fear

Mara Salvatrucha, commonly abbreviated as MS, Mara, and MS-13, is a transnational criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to other parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. The majority of the gang is ethnically composed of Central Americans and active in urban and suburban areas. They are usually characterized by tattoos all over their bodies, and sometimes faces. They also communicate by their own sign language. They are notorious for their use of violence and for their cruel codes of revenge.
These gang members have created a lot of fear in the people living close o them and fear throughout the area they live in. They create fear in people because they are like a family composed of violent savage and cruel members. Every day they appear in the newspapers being accused of murders, rapes or other crimes. People can’t go into the communities the gang members live because they might kill them.  Another reason why people are scared is because of their physical appearance. They use really baggy clothes and they have tattoos all over their bodies, which is somewhat disturbing.  Now, when people see people with this type of appearance, they get nervous and they fear that they might attack them or something
            Salvatrucha members are now recluting younger kids from schools so the gang has a future. Most of the kids are from public school. They accept because they think it's cool, but really they don't know what they are getting tthemselves into. Once you go in there is no way of getting out. Most members end up dead or in jail.
In conclusion gangs are not a good thing in society. They only kill and input fear in people's lives.